title here

Starting slow


English is not my main language and I don't have a clue how to do this, but I need to start somehow.

Things I want to do here:

  • Write about how I don't like some full responsive sites/ layouts on neocities (or how I prefer the original layout, even though I normaly use my cellphone to access most of those sites
  • Create another space where I can explore my imagination with this new persona, without using my personal informations like I did on blogs and other spaces
  • Do some shrines here that i can't compile on my own blog, maybe.
  • Do some birds/ insects inventory? catalog? w/ some photos that i took or just with informations of what i saw
  • Inspired by Cybernetic Dryad, create a page to put lyrics of songs that I like
  • save some graphics for me to find easily